Singing Guide: Tom Waits

Singing Guide: Tom Waits

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Tom Waits

If you're aiming to learn how to sing like Tom Waits, you have to bear in mind that his music is unique, gravelly, and packed with emotion. Tom Waits' voice is similar to that of a beaten and bruised instrument, and contrary to what you might assume, this voice is the product of diligent practice as well as an unusual singing style. In this article, we will look closely at some key elements of his singing and help you learn to emulate this legendary musician.

Tom Waits' Unique Vocal Technique

The first thing you need to keep in mind when aspiring to sound like Tom Waits is that his voice is gravelly and full of character, and that it takes a lot of hard work to achieve this level of growling grit. Tom Waits' voice is usually low, gravelly and full of character, and he often sings nearly in falsetto with croaky, whispering tones. It's a difficult balance, but by mastering the following skills, you'll be able to emulate it.

  • Growling - The ability to growl is one of the most important aspects of emulating Tom Waits' singing. You'll need to learn how to growl from the back of your throat without hurting yourself so that you can maintain it over for an entire performance or song. To learn how to growl sustainably, you can use the Singing Carrots vocal techique video, How to Growl Exercise.
  • Breath control - Tom Waits' style is rooted in his ability to control his breath and sound. You should practice doing breathing exercises regularly to maintain control, especially focusing on active and passive breathing. A practice exercise like Farinelli Breathing is complete for this.
  • Volume control - Tom Waits has a great deal of control over the volume of his voice, being able to dip to a low growl and rise to a boisterous yell. You can train your vocals and develop this skill with the Singing Carrots warm-up exercise, Chest Voice Explained and Singing Comfort Zone.
  • Articulation - At the same time that he growls and howls like an angry dog, Tom Waits is also sharp and articulate. Focusing on articulation, such as the technique discussed in Finger Bite, will help you in this aspect of performance.

Tom Waits' Songs That Showcase His vocal Technique

Now that you've mastered some of the necessary techniques to emulate Tom Waits, it's time to listen to some of his songs to see how he applies them. Here are a few Tom Waits songs that will show off his unique vocal technique and give you some inspiration to start learning:

  • "God's Away on Business" - This song shows off Tom Waits' low growling and guttural sound and is an excellent example of his signature style.
  • "Jockey Full of Bourbon" - This song highlights Tom Waits' unique vocal range and the way that he dips into falsetto while maintaining his growly, gravelly voice.
  • "Cold Cold Ground" - This mellower tune demonstrates how Tom Waits uses his voice to create an atmosphere of sadness and melancholy, with a nearly whispered, croaky approach to the verses.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.